You are a senior executive in a company that is going to implement an ERP for the first time. You don’t have experience with this kind of project. So what should you be planning and doing, when, and who will be involved?
In our series on What is ERP, in Part 1 I explained what ERP is and why it has become such a significant part of most organizations. Here in Part 2, I will be looking at what company executives should be considering Before they start implementing an ERP system.
In the “Thinking About ERP” book the responsibility for an ERP project is given to what the book calls The Seeker of Value. In most organizations, the CEO is likely to delegate this role to either the CFO or CIO, no one lower in the organization.
The Seeker of Value develops a Case for Change document, which describes what the proposed ERP project entails, why it is being undertaken, and what the expected cost is. They have overall responsibility to ensure the ERP project delivers what has been scoped in the Case for Change. This includes control of the timeline, allocations of resources, and managing risks.